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PRE35 is based on a fully balanced stereo preamplifier, featuring dual XLR inputs and outputs.
PRE35 DAC adds DM35 digital analog conversion module to the PRE35. Prisma technology can be added as a plug-in module at a later date.
XLR2 x stereo pair analog inputs
RCA3 x stereo pair analog inputs
XLR2 x stereo pair analog PRE outputs
RCA1 x stereo pair analog PRE output
RCA1 x stereo pair analog LINE output
C25 remoteIR system control
IR3.5 mm input/output
12V Trigger3.5 mm output
RS232outboard system control port
Toslink4 x digital input
RCA2 x digital input
RCA1 x digital output
Weight11.3 Kg
Dimensions430 x 106 x 420 mm (WHD)
Finishesblack or titanium
(Part Number: )
PRE35 DAC adds DM35 digital analog conversion module to the PRE35. Prisma technology can be added as a plug-in module at a later date.
XLR2 x stereo pair analog inputs
RCA3 x stereo pair analog inputs
XLR2 x stereo pair analog PRE outputs
RCA1 x stereo pair analog PRE output
RCA1 x stereo pair analog LINE output
C25 remoteIR system control
IR3.5 mm input/output
12V Trigger3.5 mm output
RS232outboard system control port
Toslink4 x digital input
RCA2 x digital input
RCA1 x digital output
Weight11.3 Kg
Dimensions430 x 106 x 420 mm (WHD)
Finishesblack or titanium
(Part Number: )