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Giradischi a cinghia 33/45 giri con clamp, senza braccio e basetta. Basato interamente sul GyroDec, ma privo della costosa base acrilica e del coperchio, il Gyro SE ne offre le stesse qualità ma in una soluzione più economica e compatta. Il Gyro SE può sempre essere convertito in un GyroDec acquistando la base e il coperchio.
Dimensioni (LxAxP): 49 x 13,5 x 37,5 cm.
Peso 10 kg
Based entirely on the GyroDec, but without the costly acrylic plinth and dustcover, the Gyro SE brings the same qualities in a more affordable and compact package. A Michell Gyro SE can always be converted into a GyroDec by purchasing a plinth and dustcover.
Spider chassis, suspended stable subchassis
Massive acrylic/vinyl platter of high inertia, with gold-plated brass weights
Inverted oil-pumping bearing
Custom arm boards available for most tonearms
High-quality standalone DC motor
Optional clamp
Optional HR supply
Optional Orbe-style platter and clamp
Optional dust cover
Finished in silver or black
Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 49 (w) x 37.5 (d) x 13.5 (h) cms
(Part Number: )
Dimensioni (LxAxP): 49 x 13,5 x 37,5 cm.
Peso 10 kg
Based entirely on the GyroDec, but without the costly acrylic plinth and dustcover, the Gyro SE brings the same qualities in a more affordable and compact package. A Michell Gyro SE can always be converted into a GyroDec by purchasing a plinth and dustcover.
Spider chassis, suspended stable subchassis
Massive acrylic/vinyl platter of high inertia, with gold-plated brass weights
Inverted oil-pumping bearing
Custom arm boards available for most tonearms
High-quality standalone DC motor
Optional clamp
Optional HR supply
Optional Orbe-style platter and clamp
Optional dust cover
Finished in silver or black
Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 49 (w) x 37.5 (d) x 13.5 (h) cms
(Part Number: )