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Il TecnoArm è la ricostruzione meccanica del noto braccio RB202, al quale è stato aggiunto cablaggio di altissima qualità e sono state apportate modifiche che ne migliorano la dispersione delle risonanze strutturali. Contrappeso modificato e ricalibrazione dei cuscinetti per ottenere le migliori prestazioni possibili.
The TecnoArm “A” is a fundamental mechanical rebuild of the well-known RB202 tonearm, to which is added monolithic wiring of the highest quality. The arm tube is bead-blasted and perforated, which disperses structural resonances and yields a lower effective mass. The arm wand is internally damped to reduce resonance further, and the headshell is machined flat, to allow true azimuth relative to the bearing cradle. After modification the bearings are re-adjusted for highest possible performance, according to original Rega procedures.
One-piece perforated arm casting with internal foam damping
Proprietary silver litz cable in a continuous run from cartridge to amplifier
PTFE dielectric, metal braided shielding, separate ground wire
Silver-plated cartridge clips and phono plugs
Two counterweights, matching cartridges of 4-7g and 7-13g
Vertical tracking force adjuster in steps of 0.1g
Three point vertical tracking angle adjuster
One year warranty
The TecnoArm “A” is also available in black.
(Part Number: )
The TecnoArm “A” is a fundamental mechanical rebuild of the well-known RB202 tonearm, to which is added monolithic wiring of the highest quality. The arm tube is bead-blasted and perforated, which disperses structural resonances and yields a lower effective mass. The arm wand is internally damped to reduce resonance further, and the headshell is machined flat, to allow true azimuth relative to the bearing cradle. After modification the bearings are re-adjusted for highest possible performance, according to original Rega procedures.
One-piece perforated arm casting with internal foam damping
Proprietary silver litz cable in a continuous run from cartridge to amplifier
PTFE dielectric, metal braided shielding, separate ground wire
Silver-plated cartridge clips and phono plugs
Two counterweights, matching cartridges of 4-7g and 7-13g
Vertical tracking force adjuster in steps of 0.1g
Three point vertical tracking angle adjuster
One year warranty
The TecnoArm “A” is also available in black.
(Part Number: )