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Alimentatore Never-Connected per motori DC, Gyro Dec, Gyro SE, Tecnodec
The HR Power Supply is a low-noise electronic power source for the DC motors as found on the TecnoDec, GyroDec and Gyro SE turntables. Adding extra stability to the power supply for the motor, the HR features the novel Never-Connected circuit, and has a user-adjustable speed control on its back plate.
Fitting is simple – just unplug the motor lead from the existing supply and connect it to the HR. An IEC mains lead comes supplied.
Please note that the HR Power Supply is now only available in a black acrylic case.
(Part Number: )
The HR Power Supply is a low-noise electronic power source for the DC motors as found on the TecnoDec, GyroDec and Gyro SE turntables. Adding extra stability to the power supply for the motor, the HR features the novel Never-Connected circuit, and has a user-adjustable speed control on its back plate.
Fitting is simple – just unplug the motor lead from the existing supply and connect it to the HR. An IEC mains lead comes supplied.
Please note that the HR Power Supply is now only available in a black acrylic case.
(Part Number: )