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Telecomando multifunzione per preamplificatori, integrati e sorgenti Bryston
Telecomando per BP6-16-26-60-135, BCD, BDA, BDP
Available for use with multiple Bryston products
Solid machined aluminum enclosure and push buttons
Motion sensing backlight with power saving ambient light sensor
Only available in black
BP26, BP17, BP16, BP6 Preamplifiers
B100, B135, B60R, and B100³ Integrated Amplifiers
BCD-1, BCD-3, and BCD-3 CD Player
BDA-1, BDA-2, and BDA-3 External DAC
BDP-1, BDP-1USB, BDP-2, and BDP-3 Digital Player
(Part Number: )
Telecomando per BP6-16-26-60-135, BCD, BDA, BDP
Available for use with multiple Bryston products
Solid machined aluminum enclosure and push buttons
Motion sensing backlight with power saving ambient light sensor
Only available in black
BP26, BP17, BP16, BP6 Preamplifiers
B100, B135, B60R, and B100³ Integrated Amplifiers
BCD-1, BCD-3, and BCD-3 CD Player
BDA-1, BDA-2, and BDA-3 External DAC
BDP-1, BDP-1USB, BDP-2, and BDP-3 Digital Player
(Part Number: )